Links related to ME/CFS |
ME/CFS Organisations
Comprehensive, informative and active site at the cutting edge of asking important questions about ME/CFS, with the aim of better understanding
and recognition of the huge problems of ME/CFS. Useful, no-nonsense advice on where to get help and with a finger on the pulse of what is happening
in the world of ME/CFS. Campaign-based organisation.
E-mail enquiries: stephen.e.ralph@btinternet.com
Website: www.meactionuk.org.uk
U.K. People Support CFS ME
An online support group for people with ME-CFS and their carers. This network includes a newsgroup and chat room and a guide to dealing with
the illness. There is information on individuals in various parts of the UK who suffer from and can offer a friendly voice in the bad times.
E-mail enquiries: webmaster@upscm@upscm.fsnet.co.uk
Website: www.upscm.fsnet.co.uk
M.E. Association
The M.E. Association is one of the major charitable organisations in the U.K. looking into
improving the understanding and awareness of the disease. Annual membership is currently £15
and entitles the member to access to the "Listening Ear" phone service and to receipt of
a quarterly magazine. The M.E. Association aims to support and promote research projects whenever possible.
Address: 4 Corringham Road, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, SS17 0AH. Telephone: 01375 642466. Fax 01375 360256.
E-mail enquiries: enquiries@meassociation.org.uk
Website address: www.meassociation.org.uk
Action for M.E.
Action for ME is a national charity which campaigns to improve the lives of those suffering from ME in the UK.
It is a membership-based organisation that is supported purely through donations from individuals, businesses, trusts
and local support groups.
Address: PO Box 1302, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2WE. Telephone: 01749 670799
Website address: www.afme.org.uk
Chronic Fatigue Webring
A webring designed to accommodate people wishing to make contact with fellow sufferers and to disseminate information about the disease.
Website address: www.geocities.com/sharonandandy2001
Association of Young People with M.E.
A UK-based charity set-up to help children and young people with ME. The activities and services offered are
all run by young people themselves. Membership entitlements include a regular magazine, contacts to other young people
through the pen-pal or e-mail schemes, support and advice for parents
as well as advice on education issues.
Website address: www.ayme.org.uk
Befriending M.E.
An project funded by the Prince's Trust millenium awards scheme, based in the Scottish Borders,
specifically aimed at young people.
Website address: www.befriendingme.org.uk
Other useful ME links
Chief Medical Officer's Working Group on ME/CFS
CFS Research - on-line survey for ME/CFS sufferers
Westcare UK - provides services for sufferers and health professionals; based in Bristol
Independent ME Groups Alliance - share views, news and info on this newsgroup
ME Chat - mailing list tailored towards the interests of sufferers living in the U.K.
Community Care - links to loads more ME/CFS-related sites
Disability Organisations
Disability Alliance
Organisation committed "to breaking the link between poverty and disability". Provides information to disabled people and campaigns
for improvements in disability benefits and legislation to reflect the true cost of disability. They produce a "Disability Rights Handbook"
which is invaluable for anyone needing information on benefits, lifestyle and employment issues
Address: Universal House, 88-94 Wentworth Street, London E1 7SA. Telephone: 0207 247 8776. Advice line: 0207 247 8763
Website address: www.disabilityalliance.org
RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation
An organisation that covers many areas of disability including civil rights, legislation,education, employment, social services, social security,
mobility and housing issues. Regularly publishes a directory for support and assistance.
Address: 12 City Forum, 250 City Road, London, EC1U 8AF. Telephone: 0207 250 3222.
Website address: www.radar.org.uk
Other useful disability sites
disability.gov.uk - UK government info on disability rights and issues
disabilitybenefits.co.uk - info on benefits for the disabled and elderly
Yourable.com - info on work, money, equipment, travel, health and learning
Open and Distance Learning Organisations
The following is a list of links to sites dedicated to helping people learn new skills and follow educational courses that
they might otherwise be unable to do because of disability.
Open University
Large organisation offering a whole range of courses. Has a specific office dealing with students affected by disabilities.
Address: Central Enquiry Service, PO Box 625, MK1 1TY. Telephone: 01908 244066.
Website address: www.open.ac.uk
E-mail address: osdwh@open.ac.uk
National Extension College
Established in 1963 this non-profit, independent educational charity supplies learning resources and opportunities to help students
achieve vocational and personal goals. Has over 150 courses at all levels, ranging from counselling to computing, and 15,000 students.
Provides advice and feedback to students.
Address: 18 Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge, CB2 2HN. Telephone: 01223 316644.
Website address: www.nec.ac.uk
Open and Distance Learning Quality Control Council
Regulatory organisation with lists of accredited correspondence colleges and other organisations providing courses and tuition. They also
produce a directory with relevant details on all colleges.
Address: 27 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JS. Telephone: 0207 935 5391.
Website address: www.odlqc.org.uk
This is the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities. Along with a regular newsletter, this organisation also provides
help and advice on how to find appropriate courses, finance and support.
Address: 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA. Telephone: 0207 274 0565.
Website address: www.skill.org.uk
Other Support Organisations
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (NACAB)
Address: Myddelton House, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9LZ. Telephone: 0207 833 2181.
Website Address: www.nacab.org.uk